
preface and postscript中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • How to write preface and postscript of local records
  • Social function theory in preface and postscript of ming qing dynasties ' novels
  • There are about 50 , 000 words with 5 chapters besides preface and postscript
  • Review of novel preface and postscript development and concurrently discussing hu shi ' s contribution
  • A brief comment on the publishing historical materials of the ancient novels ' prefaces and postscripts
  • The article has five parts apart from preface and postscript that is added up to 40000 words or so
  • Besides preface and postscript , this thesis mainly includes the following three parts of contents : part one , government regulation theory summary
  • Around public school ' s characteristic , the article consists of four parts beside preface and postscript : firstly : sketching public school ' s history for six century , as the article ' s base ; public school has lasted for six centuries since 14th century
  • When author emendated the twenties carving of wen tingyun ’ s poetry from ming dynasty and qing dynasty , the author does to check relation of the origin and succeed by ordering of arrangement ’ s model , collecting poems ’ amount , detecting letters ’ divarication , collating preface and postscript and storing realizing
  • The text is analyzing and discussing several important and controversial legal issues on the motor vehicle third party liability compulsive insurance , putting forward some standpoints and speculations . in addition to the preface and postscript , the full text is totally divided into five parts . chapter one firstly introduces several controversies in the judicatory fulfillment on the motor vehicle third party liability compulsive insurance which caused by the judgment of the national first case , which under the background of the implement of “ road traffic safety method ” , but at that time “ the motor vehicle compulsive insurance regulation ” did n ' t yet pedestal
    《道路交通安全法》虽然规定了机动车的无过失责任原则,以图更好保护弱者受害人利益,但实际上由于机动车强制保险未真正落实,保险公司仍使用商业保险条款,否认机动车责任险具有“强制性” ,导致在面对交通事故进行赔付时出现功能错位,从而增加了机动车一方的赔偿责任,也使受害方得不到应有的救济,没有体现无过错责任原则的社会承担性。
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